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Pola Hidup Sehat Rasullah

Dalam berbagai aktifitas dan pola kehidupannya, Rasulullah memang sudah di rancang oleh Allah SWT sebagai contoh teladan yang baik (al uswah hasanah) bagi semua manusia.  Teladan ini mencakup berbagai aspek kehidupan termasuk dalam pola makan. Sepintas maslaah makan ini tampak sederhana, tapi dengan pola makan yang dicontohkan Rasulullah, beliau terbukti memiliki tubuh yang sehat, kuat dan bugar.  Bahkan, berbagai riwayat shahih menjelaskan bahwa Rasulullah sanggup membanting Rukanah beberapa kali dalam sebuah pertarungan gulat, padahal Rukanah adalah juara gulat Mekkah yang saat itu tak terkalahkan.
Ketika Kaisar Romawi mengirimkan bantuan dokter ke Madinah ternyata selama setahun dokter tersebut kesulitan menemukan orang yang sakit.  Dokter tsb bertanya kepada Rasulullah tentang rahasia kaum muslimin yang sangat jarang mengalami sakit.  Rasulullah bersabda:  ‘Kami adalah kaum yang tidak makan kecuali sudah betul betul lapar dan apabila makan, kami berhenti sebelum kekenyangan’  (Al hadist*)  

Sehat Menurut Islam

Oleh: Catatanmuslim, 2009
Islam merupakan agama yang mengatur seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia,  untuk mengatur kemakmuran di bumi guna menuju kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Salah satu penunjang kebahagian tersebut adalah dengan memiliki tubuh yang sehat, sehingga dengannya kita dapat beribadah dengan lebih baik kepada Allah. Agama Islam sangat mengutamakan kesehatan (lahir dan batin) dan menempatkannya sebagai kenikmatan kedua setelah Iman,
Sebagaimana sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW. :“Mohonllah kepada Allah pngampunan, kesehatan dan keyakinan di dunia dan akhirat. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberikan kepada seseorang setelah keyakinan (Iman) yang lebih baik daripada kesehatan.” (HR. Ahmad, Tirmidzi, dan Ibnu Majah dari Abu BAkar, sahih sanadnya dari Ibnu Abbas)

Hidup Sehat Menurut Islam

Islam menetapkan tujuan pokok kehadirannya untuk memelihara
agama, jiwa, akal, jasmani, harta, dan keturunan.

Setidaknya tiga dari yang disebut di atas berkaitan dengan
kesehatan. Tidak heran jika ditemukan bahwa Islam amat kaya
dengan tuntunan kesehatan.

Paling tidak ada dua istilah literatur keagamaan yang
digunakan untuk menunjuk tentang pentingnya kesehatan dalam
pandangan Islam.

Cara Hidup Sehat Ala Islam

islam sehat

islam merupakan agama yang mengatur seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia,  untuk mengatur kemakmuran di bumi guna menuju kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Salah satu penunjang kebahagian tersebut adalah dengan memiliki tubuh yang sehat, sehingga dengannya kita dapat beribadah dengan lebih baik kepada Allah. Agama Islam sangat mengutamakan kesehatan (lahir dan batin) dan menempatkannya sebagai kenikmatan kedua setelah Iman.
Sebagaimana sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW. :“Mohonllah kepada Allah pngampunan, kesehatan dan keyakinan di dunia dan akhirat. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberikan kepada seseorang setelah keyakinan (Iman) yang lebih baik daripada kesehatan.” (HR. Ahmad, Tirmidzi, dan Ibnu Majah dari Abu Bakar, sahih sanadnya dari Ibnu Abbas)
Sebagaimana seseorang yang ingin pandai tentu saja harus belajar dan berusaha mengenal prinsip prinsip hidup sehat setelah itu melaksanakannya dan inilah beberapa petunjuk Agama yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan:

Pola Hidup Sehat Menurut Islam


·         health for all (sehat untuk semua)

·         back to nature (kembali ke alam).

Sehat dan sakit adalah dua bagian kehidupan manusia yang saling bertentangan serta tidak bisa kita hindari, karena keduanya memang merupakan bagian dari sunnatullah yang menciptakan segala sesuatu berpasang-pasangan. Allah menyatakan, "Segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasang-pasangan agar kamu menyadari kebesaran Allah

Konsep Sehat Dan Sakit Menurut Pandangan Islam

Muhamad N. Ikhsan,S.Pd.
Sakit dan penyakit merupakan suatu peristiwa yang selalu menyertai hidup manusia sejak jaman Nabi Adam. Kita memahami apapun yang menimpa manusia adalah takdir, sakit pun merupakan takdir. Lantas kalau sakit merupakan takdir, kalau kita sakit kenapa harus mencari sehat /kesembuhan? Lantas bua apa dan apa manfaat berobat? Dari sinilah landasan kita berpijak dalam memahami sehat, sakit, obat dan upaya pengobatan.
Dan (ingatlah kisah) Ayub, ketika ia menyeru Tuhannya: “(Ya Tuhanku), Sesungguhnya aku telah ditimpa penyakit dan Engkau adalah Tuhan yang Maha Penyayang di antara semua Penyayang”. Maka Kamipun memperkenankan seruannya itu, lalu Kami lenyapkan penyakit yang ada padanya dan Kami kembalikan keluarganya kepadanya, dan Kami lipat gandakan bilangan mereka, sebagai suatu rahmat dari sisi Kami dan untuk menjadi peringatan bagi semua yang menyembah Allah.


Islam sejak dari awal sangat mementingkan hidup sehat melalui tindakan promotif-preventif-protektif. Langkah dimulai dari pembinaan terhadap manusia sebagai subjek sekaligus objek persoalan kesehatan itu sendiri. Islam menanamkan nilai-nilai tauhid dan manifestasi dari tauhid itu sendiri pada diri manusia. Nilai-nilai tersebut mampu merubah persepsi-persepsi tentang kehidupan manusia di dunia yang pada gilirannya tentu saja secara merubah perilaku manusia. Dan perilaku yang diharapkan dari manusia yang bertauhid adalah perilaku yang merupakan realisasinya dari ketaatan terhadap perintah dan larangan Allah.
Empat faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kesehatan adalah lingkungan (yang utama), perilaku, pelayanan kesehatan, dan genetik. Bila ditilik semuanya tetaplah bemuara pada manusia. Faktor lingkungan (fisik, sosek, biologi) yang mempunyai pengaruh paling besar terhadap status kesehatan tetap saja ditentukan oleh manusia. Manusialah yang paling memiliki kemampuan untuk memperlakukan dan menata lingkungan hidup.

Secara individual dengan landasan nilai tauhid tadi Islam mengajarkan agar setiap muslim bergaya hidup sehat. Ini merupakan cara efektif untuk menghindari sakit. Kebersihan misalnya, sangat ditekankan oleh Islam dan dinilai sebagai cerminan dari Iman seseorang. Kewajiban membersihkan hadats kecil, mandi janabah, sunnah untuk bersiwak membuktikan bahwa Islam sangat perduli terhadap kebersihan fisik. Dengan berwudhu, seorang muslim akan secara langsung membersihkan tangan (yang biasanya menjadi pangkal masuknya penyakit ke dalam mulut) dan muka. Kemudian, mencuci kemaluan dengan air (bukan dengan tissue) setelah buang air kecil atau buang air besar. Sementara, ibadah puasa secara pasti telah memberikan pengaruh sangat baik terhadap kesehatan perut. Dengan puasa, sistem pencernaan yang selama 11 bulan bekerja, laksana mesin mendapatkan kesempatan untuk diistirahatkan.

Kiat Sehat Menurut Islam

Rasulullah bersabda Mu'min yang kuat adalah lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allah daripada mu'min yang lemah (HR Muslim). Bagaimana agar senantiasa sehat seperti Rasulullah Ikuti resep berikut:

1. Selalu Bangun Sebelum Shubuh. Rasul selalu mengajak ummatnya untuk bangun sebelum shubuh, melaksanakan shalat sunah dan shalat Fardhu, shalat shubuh berjamaah. Hal ini memberi hikmah yang mendalam antara lain:
Berlimpah pahala dari Allah, Kesegaran udara shubuh yang bagus bagi kesehatan mis terapi penyakit TBC, Memperkuat pikiran dan menyehatkan perasaan


More than 29.5 million Americans suffer from migraine, with women being affected three times more often than men. This vascular headache is most commonly experienced between the ages of 15 and 55, and 70% to 80% of sufferers have a family history of migraine. Less than half of all migraine sufferers have received a diagnosis of migraine from their healthcare provider. Migraine is often misdiagnosed as sinus headache or tension-type headache.

Many factors can trigger migraine attacks, such as alteration of sleep-wake cycle; missing or delaying a meal; medications that cause a swelling of the blood vessels; daily or near daily use of medications designed for relieving headache attacks; bright lights, sunlight, fluorescent lights, TV and movie viewing; certain foods; and excessive noise. Stress and/or underlying depression are important trigger factors that can be diagnosed and treated adequately.
Migraine characteristics can include:
  • Pain typically on one side of the head
  • Pain has a pulsating or throbbing quality
  • Moderate to intense pain affecting daily activities
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Attacks last four to 72 hours, sometimes longer
  • Visual disturbances or aura
  • Exertion such as climbing stairs makes headache worse
Approximately one-fifth of migraine sufferers experience aura, the warning associated with migraine, prior to the headache pain. Visual disturbances such as wavy lines, dots or flashing lights and blind spots begin from twenty minutes to one hour before the actual onset of migraine. Some people will have tingling in their arm or face or difficulty speaking. Aura was once thought to be caused by constriction of small arteries supplying specific areas of the brain. Now we know that aura is due to transient changes in the activity of specific nerve cells.
The pain of migraine occurs when excited brain cells trigger the trigeminal nerve to release chemicals that irritate and cause swelling of blood vessels on the surface of the brain. These swollen blood vessels send pain signals to the brainstem, an area of the brain that processes pain information. The pain of migraine is a referred pain that is typically felt around the eye or temple area. Pain can also occur in the face, sinus, jaw or neck area. Once the attack is full-blown, many people will be sensitive to anything touching their head. Activities such as combing their hair or shaving may be painful or unpleasant.
Diagnosis of migraine headache is made by establishing the history of the migraine-related symptoms and other headache characteristics as well as a family history of similar headaches. By definition, the physical examination of a patient with migraine headache in between the attacks of migraine does not reveal any organic causes for the headaches. Tests such as the CT scan and MRI are useful to confirm the lack of organic causes for the headaches.
There is currently no test to confirm the diagnosis of migraine

Definition of Liver

Liver: An organ in the upper abdomen that aids in digestion and removes waste products and worn-out cells from the blood. The liver is the largest solid organ in the body. The liver weighs about three and a half pounds (1.6 kilograms). It measures about 8 inches (20 cm) horizontally (across) and 6.5 inches (17 cm) vertically (down) and is 4.5 inches (12 cm) thick.

Liver Organ - Illustration
The liver has a multitude of important and complex functions. Some of these functions are to:
  • Manufacture (synthesize) proteins, including albumin (to help maintain the volume of blood) and blood clotting factors
  • Synthesize, store, and process (metabolize) fats, including fatty acids (used for energy) and cholesterol
  • Metabolize and store carbohydrates, which are used as the source for the sugar (glucose) in blood that red blood cells and the brain use
  • Form and secrete bile that contains bile acids to aid in the intestinal absorption (taking in) of fats and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
  • Eliminate, by metabolizing and/or secreting, the potentially harmful biochemical products produced by the body, such as bilirubin from the breakdown of old red blood cells and ammonia from the breakdown of proteins
  • Detoxify, by metabolizing and/or secreting, drugs, alcohol, and environmental toxins
by :

What is Cancer? What Causes Cancer?

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected.
Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumors (except in the case of leukemia where cancer prohibits normal blood function by abnormal cell division in the blood stream). Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems, and they can release hormones that alter body function. Tumors that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited growth are generally considered to be benign.
Cancer cell

Common Cancer Types

This list of common cancer types includes cancers that are diagnosed with the greatest frequency in the United States, excluding nonmelanoma skin cancers:
Cancer incidence and mortality statistics reported by the American Cancer Society1 and other resources were used to create the list. To qualify as a common cancer, the estimated annual incidence for 2010 had to be 40,000 cases or more.
The most common type of cancer on the list is lung cancer, with more than 222,000 new cases expected in the United States in 2010. The cancer with the lowest incidence is leukemia. Leukemia as a cancer type includes acute lymphoblastic (or lymphoid) leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myelogenous (or myeloid) leukemia, and other forms of leukemia. It is estimated that 43,050 new cases of leukemia will be diagnosed in the United States in 2010, with chronic lymphocytic leukemia being the most common type (approximately 14,990 new cases).


Defining Cancer

Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.
Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases. There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Most cancers are named for the organ or type of cell in which they start - for example, cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer; cancer that begins in basal cells of the skin is called basal cell carcinoma.
Cancer types can be grouped into broader categories. The main categories of cancer include:
  • Carcinoma - cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs.
  • Sarcoma - cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue.
  • Leukemia - cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood.
  • Lymphoma and myeloma - cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system.
  • Central nervous system cancers - cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord.
(For definitions of other cancer-related terms, see NCI's Dictionary of Cancer Terms.)


What Is Asthma?

Asthma (AZ-ma) is a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning.
Asthma affects people of all ages, but it most often starts in childhood. In the United States, more than 22 million people are known to have asthma. Nearly 6 million of these people are children.


The airways are tubes that carry air into and out of your lungs. People who have asthma have inflamed airways. This makes the airways swollen and very sensitive. They tend to react strongly to certain substances that are breathed in.
When the airways react, the muscles around them tighten. This causes the airways to narrow, and less air flows to your lungs. The swelling also can worsen, making the airways even narrower. Cells in the airways may make more mucus than normal. Mucus is a sticky, thick liquid that can further narrow your airways.
This chain reaction can result in asthma symptoms. Symptoms can happen each time the airways are irritated.


Figure A shows the location of the lungs and airways in the body. Figure B shows a cross-section of a normal airway. Figure C shows a cross-section of an airway during asthma symptoms.

Healthy People 2020: The Road Ahead

Making a Difference

Healthy People provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for promoting health and preventing disease. Since 1979, Healthy People has set and monitored national health objectives to meet a broad range of health needs, encourage collaborations across sectors, guide individuals toward making informed health decisions, and measure the impact of our prevention activity. Currently, Healthy People 2010 is leading the way to achieve increased quality and years of healthy life and the elimination of health disparities.

Now Is the Time

Every 10 years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) leverages scientific insights and lessons learned from the past decade, along with new knowledge of current data, trends, and innovations. Healthy People 2020 will reflect assessments of major risks to health and wellness, changing public health priorities, and emerging issues related to our nation's health preparedness and prevention.

10 Tips For Preventing & Treating Mild Or Moderate Depression

by : Elson M. Haas M.D.

  1. Keep a positive attitude toward life. Challenges are opportunities to improve your life. Learn to turn negatives into positives. Look up (not down) at life, and gather the enthusiasm you can.
  2. Create a regular exercise program that includes stretching, weights, and aerobic activity. Research has shown that exercise improves hormonal balance and helps to relieve depression.
  3. Find ways to access and talk about your feelings and frustrations with friends or loved ones. If that is not easily available or if you are hesitant to "air out" your personal issues, find a compatible counselor.

started the day with breakfast

Breakfast or breakfast is important to be done. The reason is because during sleep for approximately eight hours our bodies there is no food that enters the body, while activities such as breathing, moving or other light activity is still running. As a result, sugar levels in the body is very low. While the early days of physical activity began to walk, like to travel to the office, thinking or concentration need to be able to perform activities well. All this requires energy and energy obtained from the eaten food.

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