Hidayatullah.com--Today, not a few people looking for property but does not keep kosher and haraam. That kosher was sometimes not produced by properly. In a sense, producing food that is not good quality and nutritious.
Production Ethics ignored anymore. Then the food which contain chemicals that harm or selling expired food with attractive packaging sold. All for reap maximum profit, although endangering another person.
This time, as has been spoken by the Prophet Muhammad, "There will come a time when people no longer cared property obtained, whether it halal or haram." (Bukhari).
In Islam, there are ethics to produce and not just consuming. All this is set for humans to be healthy, both physically and spiritually. Religion Islam is not only regulate the procedures of ritual worship, but supportive aspects of worship are also regulated, like health. Prophet Muhammad advocated to maintain body condition, to be perfectly pilgrimage.
Prophet Muhammad never told Abbas to pray for health. "O Abbas, implore to Allah SWT for your health in this world and in the next." (Narrated by Tirmidhi).
Prophet Muhammad health advice that is one of them is to keep the belly of the things that cause disease.
Narrated, Prophet Muhammad once described: "There is no worse vessel, filled by men but their own belly. Suffice someone was eating a few slices of food that can be straightened her spine. If forced, he could fill a third of his stomach with food, one-third with beverages, and the remaining for breath. "(HR.Ahmad and Tirmidhi).
Hadith is a lesson that we should not carelessly consuming. There are rules and limits to balance the body. It happened for the stability and harmony between body and soul of man. So he became a strong person, not only physical strength but also his spiritual respite.
Even the Prophet Muhammad enough versed in the science of medicine and penjegahan disease.
As written in the Book of Tibb al-Nabawi by Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah which contains a set way of the Prophet Muhammad in the treatment and therapy both physical and liver disease.
In that book, disclosed that according to the Prophet Muhammad, the protection is better than cure (al-wiqayah khoirun minal 'Ilaj). Maintaining health is the greatest of drugs to deal with the disease.
So how Islam set the physical and spiritual balance to stay healthy?
The Qur'an has given instructions that is, eat the lawful and good things (Thayyib). Allah says: "O people! Eat from the (food) that there are lawful and good on earth. "(QS.al-Baqarah: 168).
In another verse Allah SWT also give the same advice. Surat Al Maidah verse 88 "And eat of the lawful and good food (Thayib) of what has been dirizkikan bertaqwalah to you and to God, and ye have faith in Him."
Allah SWT ordered to not eat the forbidden food because it endangers the physical and spiritual. Not only that, to guard it, Allah Almighty also ordered to not just choose the food, but choose foods carefully.
The food is kosher and thoyyib in order to maintain the physical and spiritual. Physical custody by selecting the thoyyib. This means eating nutritious foods, and have functions that are good for health.
Islam tells us to stay away from things that are forbidden because of the food eaten will be ingrained in the body. This could be one cause of someone's prayer is not in approval by Allah SWT.
Ruhaniyah custody by eating foods that are kosher. Allah SWT has set up everything, that foods that are permissible that was enough for humans to continue their lives and maintain health. So no need anymore to eat the forbidden.
Allah says: "Eat of the good provision We have given you, and do not exceed the limits to him, which caused my wrath on thee. And whoever is overwritten by my wrath, then surely he shall perish. "(Surah Thaaha: 81)
Hence, people who actually haram food mamakan who exaggerated. People who consume excessive food certainly is not good for health.
Foods that were forbidden are two: firstly, its essence is forbidden, such as: pork, carrion, blood and others. Second way to get it, like stealing, robbery, usury, and others.
In fact, kosher food is more than that is forbidden. Basically, all kosher food unless there is evidence that mengharamkannya. Eat only kosher food is a form of belief in someone, because it is a commandment of Allah SWT to avoid illicit goods.
Meanwhile, the halal food is better and healthier. While that is not good, he is unclean. Allah says: "And for them justifies
all that is good and forbids for them all that bad. " (Surat al-A'raf: 157).
This verse indicates unclean food was usually bad. Examples such as alcohol, pork, blood and others.
Tidah only that, it turns out we are commanded to eat of the lawful and nutritious. Thayyib words in verses of the Koran at the top is good, in the sense that has benefits for the body. Not just kosher. Because, it turns out there are currently any halal food but he is not good or was not beneficial to health. The food quality here is recommended that a person is to be strong not weak. So the more enthusiastic in worship.
So in Islam, do not use preservatives that do not support human health. Because it will reduce the quality of health food.
Choose foods that are nutritious, have the quality of healthcare. Because it strengthens the body. If the body is strong, then we are able to fulfill all obligations perfectly. Not only nutritious and quality, but also halal. How to get it too must be a lawful manner. This is how healthy the Islamic way. Spiritually healthy physical strengthening. * / Hidayatullah.com Rep: Kholili Hasib Red: Cholis Akbar
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