Islam has taught to his people about how to dress well, by wearing clothes that cover our aurat. This is not to trouble us, but rather for our good.
Allaah says, "O prophet, say to your wives, daughters and wives of the believers, 'Let them extended veils over their bodies,' such that so they are easier to be recognized. Therefore, they were not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Two kinds of the Fire who had never seen before. People who carry a similar whip cows with it, they beat people. And the women who are dressed but naked. They walk with a sway and waddle. Their heads are tilted like a camel's hump. These women will not enter Paradise and will not inhale the aroma. But in real aroma wafted from a distance so and so. "(Saheeh Muslim Mukhtasar no. 1388)Ibn Abdil Barr said, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said that the women who wear thin more transparent and did not close his private parts, then is born they get dressed but in essence they were naked."
Unfortunately, the function of clothing has changed. Clothes are no longer fulfill the function as a second skin of human body. He now act more as an ornamental and accessories of the human body. In fact not many women who are proud rarely behave like a monkey or a cow, not dressed (eg: in the movie, website, or tabloid). They assume that nan sexy tight clothes identical with the modern. Of course these thoughts are wrong. Synonymous with the advancement of modern scientific thinking in science. In many studies in the field of medicine, clothing tight turns cause many health problems. If the women (who dressed in tight) was a bit thoughtful and scientific thinking, of course they should immediately leave that habit (dress tight.) But if they continue to believe that tight clothing is fashionable, trend, and modern, then their brains were exposed to acute disease called stupidity. Certainly a healthy mind will only do things that are useful and leave the danger to himself. Then ask, what benefits strict dress?
Well, now let's discuss together the dangers of tight clothes in terms of medical.
Lots of facts on the ground that shows the health dangers of tight clothes. Among the hazards include:
1. Paresthesia
Dr. Malvinder Parmar of Timmins & District Hospital, Ontario, Canada, recently stated that the tight pants hip paresthesia likely to cause disease. Paresthesia own terms, according to Dorland Medical Dictionary, means feeling sick or abnormal, such as tingling, burning sensations such as burning and the like.
Writing in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Parmar admitted last year was the arrival of sufficient numbers of patients who could be categorized as a victim of paresthesia. He was treating at least three women aged 22-35 years who complained of feeling hot and itchy around the thigh. Mild nervous breakdown that happens because they love to wear tights limited to the hip, at least in the last six months.
Parmar The results show, these defects become permanent during hip tights wrapped around his body. That's why Parmar suggest stay away from all kinds of tight clothes during therapy.
According to dr. Andradi Suryamiharia Sp.S (K), nerve specialist who served daily at Cipto Mangun Kusumo, Jakarta and FK-UI faculty, as a nervous disorder, paresthesia easily recognizable symptoms of numbness which gradually turned into numbness. Tingling occurs because of disruption of peripheral nerves, the nerves outside the brain tissue in the whole body. Generally due to stress, infection, or metabolic disorders.
2. Fungus Threat
According to dr. Kusmarinah Bramono Sp.KK, a specialist in skin and venereal RSCM, basically all types of tight clothing has the potential to cause three kinds of skin disorders or whether it merely hips above your hips.
This is because the problem of moisture that allows mold fertile breeding. Recently, patients with fungal victims treated at the Dermatology Clinic RSCM increased compared to previous years. During the year 2002, approximately 35% of patients with proven fungal attack. Their ages range from 15-45 years. Although not all of them related to the customs of dress, but the increasing tendency of fungi as a source of skin disease should be wary of.
Ideally, in tropical countries like Indonesia, tight clothing or too thick it should be avoided. The skin becomes lack of space to "breathe", while the liquid coming out from the body quite a lot. As a result, the surface of the skin becomes moist. If not balanced right clothes, the fungus will be easier to breed. That many species of fungi are mushrooms found phlegm (white spots, brown, or reddish), ringworm fungus with prominent spots itch, and candida fungi, wet and itchy.
3. Black spotting
As the name implies, the symptoms of itching and beruntusan which a trade mark of the dermatitis, only appears if there is friction between the skin with an object from outside the body.
Foreign objects potentially high friction not only hard object, such as: jewelry, watches, and belt. Clothing everyday, if too tight against the body, or made and contoured coarse material can also trigger a wound.
"Tight pants mainly affects the skin condition on the sidelines of the thigh. At first maybe only mild inflammation. But, if the process is prolonged, can lead to black spot in the groin, "said Kusmarinah Bramono. If the owner of the body conscious and keep away from tight clothing, the black color may be reduced or disappear altogether. However, Kusmarinah warned, the black stain that can not be done as quickly as turning the palm of the hand.
Other types of skin diseases commonly descend user tights are biduran or chilblains. Bump-bump shape is a bite mark minip caterpillars. Severity of seed corn began to bump up to the swollen lips.
Biduran can appear anywhere on the body. Based on observations Kusmarinah, many patients do not realize, biduran can also be caused by stress and tight clothing. (Http://
4. Malignant Melanoma Cancer
Contemporary scientific research has found that women dressed but tight or transparent, it has the potential to experience a variety of malignant melanoma cancer on his limbs that are open. British medical magazine launched the results of scientific research by quoting a few facts, such as malignant melanoma cancer that is still an early age will further increase and spread to the feet.
The disease is caused by ultraviolet sun containing a long period disekujur body tight dress or beach dress (which is usually used when a woman on the beach and bask in there). The disease is on the whole body with different levels. The signs of this disease appears first is like a little black dots wide. Sometimes a small sphere, mostly in the legs or calves, and usually in the area around the eye, then spread to all parts of the body along with growth in areas that are commonly seen, engagement spleen (the area above the thighs), and attacks the blood and then settle in the liver and cause damage.
Sometimes also settled in the whole body, including: bone, and the inside of the chest. Also part of the stomach because of the two kidneys that cause black urine due to kidney damage due to attack this cancer disease. This disease also attacks the fetus in the womb of the mother who was pregnant. People who suffer from this cancer will not live long. Medicines can not cure this cancer. (Http://
5. Sterility
Tight clothing can cause infertility in women. In very cold weather, tight clothing does not work to keep body temperature from cold attacks. Temperatures are too cold clear conditions in the womb can harm (Al-Istanbuli, 2006).
6. Lower fertility (fertility) men
"True, tights associated with male reproductive organs and will result in a decrease in fertility rates," said Dr. Ferryal Loetan, sex consultant of Clinical Specialist Rachel told Media.
According Ferryal, is not only thick and tight pants made from denim which can cause a decrease in male fertility. Pants that are too tight in all, he continued, can reduce fertility. Tights are worn, clear Ferryal, can increase the temperature around the groin (the sidelines) thigh. So at about thigh hotter than the temperature at other body parts.
"The heat in the groin that affect the testicles or scrotum. The next effect will disrupt the function of the formation of spermatozoa. Due to the influence of heat, spermatozoa decreased fertility rates. "
Thus the dangers of tight clothes seen from the medical side. Of even more danger arising from the woman dressed in tight when viewed from the side of Dien, psychology, and social. But even these few may be a lesson for us all.
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