Can pumpkin-shaped flat, oval, or long, depending on varieties. Young fruit is green, while older, pale yellow. Yellow or orange flesh carotenoid content of the sign is very high. Carotenoids in pumpkin-shaped mostly beta carotene.
What are the nutrients in pumpkin?
Vitamin A and beta carotene.
Beta carotene is a yellow-orange pigment which, if ingested in our bodies, will be transformed into vitamin A. The function of vitamin A and beta carotene, among others, useful as eye and skin health, immunity and reproduction. In addition, this nutrient has benefits as an antioxidant that can mengutangi risk of cancer and heart disease.
Vitamin C.
One type of water-soluble vitamin, it is necessary for the metabolism of the body. Vitamin C also plays a role in immune function and as an antioxidant.
These nutrients are especially needed in the formation of blood, especially hemoglobin (Hb). Foods that contain iron necessary, because the iron will of the mother when the baby is born will gradually run out.
The main function is to support the smooth running of potassium metabolism. This is important in maintaining water and electrolyte balance (acid-base balance) in the cell body.
Another advantage of the pumpkin is a high fiber content, useful to reduce the risk of constipation. In addition, the fat content of pumpkin is also low so you have to be afraid taka overweight toddlers origin consumed in reasonable quantities.
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