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Healthy By Rasulullah

1. ALWAYS WAKE UP before dawn Apostle always invites his people to wake up before dawn, praying and praying sunna fardhu, prayer dawn congregation. This gives in-depth lessons which include: - Abundant reward from Allah - Freshness of a good early morning air for the health / treatment of TB disease - Strengthen your mind and nourish feelings
2. KEEP ON HYGIENE The Apostle always always neat & clean, every Thursday or Friday he washed the fine hairs on the cheek, always cut the nails, use a comb and oily smell. "Bath on Friday is compulsory for every adults. Similarly, brushing teeth and wearing fragrant-Haruman "(Muslim) 3.TIDAK NEVER EAT MORE Apostle replied: "We are a people who do not eat before hunger and if we do not eat too much (not to glut) "(Muttafaq Alaih) In the human body there are 3 rooms for 3 things: One third to air, water and a third for another one-third to makanan.Bahkan there is one special tarbiyyah for Islamic Ummah with the existence Fasting Ramadan to balance health
4. Fond WALKING FOOT The Apostle always walk into the Mosque, Market, jihad, visit friend's house, and so forth. By foot, sweat will flow, the pores open and the blood circulation will run smoothly. This important for preventing heart disease
5. Not easily provoked Prophet's advice: "Do not be Angry" is repeated until 3 times. This menunujukkan nature of health and strength of Muslims is not located on jasadiyah merely, but that is guided by further hygiene and health soul. There is an appropriate therapy to resist angry: - Change the position when angry, when standing then sitting, and when sitting then lie - Reading Ta 'awwudz, because anger is from Syaithon - Immediately ablution - Prayer 2 Rokaat to achieve tranquility and relieve anxiety heart
6. OPTIMISTIC AND not despair Optimistic attitude will give a profound psychological impact spaciousness soul so be patient, istiqomah and work hard, and trust in Allah SWT
7. HEART NEVER IRI To maintain the health of the stability of the heart & soul, mentality then stay away jealousy is a very appropriate preventive action.

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