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Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence, ED)

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection for satisfactory sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction is different from other conditions that interfere with male sexual intercourse, such as lack of sexual desire (decreased libido) and problems with ejaculation and orgasm (ejaculatory dysfunction). This article focuses on the evaluation and treatment of erectile dysfunction.

How common is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED, impotence) varies in severity; some men have a total inability to achieve an erection, others have an inconsistent ability to achieve an erection, and still others can sustain only brief erections. The variations in severity of erectile dysfunction make estimating its frequency difficult. Many men also are reluctant to discuss erectile dysfunction with their doctors due to embarrassment, and thus the condition is underdiagnosed. Nevertheless, experts have estimated that erectile dysfunction affects 30 million men in the United States.
While erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, it is uncommon among young men and more common in the elderly. By age 45, most men have experienced erectile dysfunction at least some of the time. According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, complete impotence increases from 5% among men 40 years of age to 15% among men 70 years and older. Population studies conducted in the Netherlands found that some degree of erectile dysfunction occurred in 20% of men between ages 50-54, and in 50% of men between ages 70-78. In 1999, the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey counted 1,520,000 doctor-office visits for erectile dysfunction. Other studies have noted that approximately 35% of men 40-70 years of age suffer from moderate to severe ED, and an additional 15% may have milder forms.

What is normal penis anatomy?

The penis contains two chambers, called the corpora cavernosa, which run the length of the upper side of the penis (see figure 1 below). The urethra, which is the channel for urine and ejaculate, runs along the underside of the corpora cavernosa. Filling the corpora cavernosa is a spongy tissue consisting of smooth muscles, fibrous tissues, spaces, veins, and arteries. A membrane, called the tunica albuginea, surrounds the corpora cavernosa. Veins located in the tunica albuginea drain blood out of the penis.
Picture of arteries and veins involved in erectile dysfunction (ED)
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Impotence Symptoms

Impotence is a common problem among men characterized by the consistent inability to sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse or the inability to achieve ejaculation, or both. Erectile dysfunction can vary. It can involve a total inability to achieve an erection or ejaculation, an inconsistent ability to do so, or a tendency to sustain only very brief erections.
The risk of impotence increases with age. It is four-fold higher in men in their 60s compared with those in their 40s according to a study published in the Journal of Urology (2000;163:460-463). Men with less education are also more likely to experience impotence, perhaps because they tend to have less healthy lifestyles, eat a less healthy diet, drink more and exercise less. Physical exercise tends to lessen the risk of impotence.

Fauci, Anthony S., et al. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 17th ed. United States: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2008.
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Colic is a common, but poorly understood, condition that affects babies. The most common symptom of colic is excessive and inconsolable crying in a baby that otherwise appears to be healthy and well-fed.

How common is colic?

Colic is a very common condition that affects around 1 in 5 of babies. Babies of both sexes are equally affected by colic.
The symptoms of colic usually begin within the first few weeks of life, and usually resolve by the time the baby is four months of age, and by six months at the latest.
The cause (or causes) of colic is unknown.

Eye Pain Symptoms

Pain is a variable measure. Each person may interpret pain differently.
  • Eye pain and other symptoms often described by those experiencing eye problems are summarized below:
    • Pain in or around the eye
    • Partial or complete loss of vision
    • Extreme light sensitivity
    • Double vision
    • Halos (colored circles or halos around lights)
    • New floaters (spots, strings, cobwebs, or shadows seen before the eyes)
    • Limitation of normal eye movement
    • Pain with movement of the eye in different directions
    • Sensation of flashes or streaks of light
    • Severe headache associated with eye pain
  • Your doctor or an ophthalmologist may see these signs as evidence of eye problems:
    • Redness of the white of the eye (conjunctiva)
    • Redness that flares out and surrounds the colored part of the eye (iris)
    • Irregularly shaped pupil
    • Bulging or protrusion of the eye
    • Swelling or redness of the surrounding eye tissue, including the eyelids
    • Blood or pus inside the front of the eye (within the colored part of the eye)
    • Eye discharge, excessive tearing, crusting, or eyelids stuck together (especially upon awakening)
    • A scratch to the cornea or eyeball
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Eye Pain Causes

Causes of eye pain fall into two broad categories: ocular pain and orbital pain.
  • Ocular pain is eye pain coming from the outer structures of the surface of the eye.
    • Conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye problems. Conjunctivitis can be an allergic, bacterial, chemical, or viral inflammation of the conjunctiva (the delicate membrane lining the eyelid and covering the eyeball). Pinkeye is a nonmedical term usually referring to a viral conjunctivitis, because the conjunctiva gets inflamed and turns a pinkish color. Pain is usually mild, or there is no pain at all. Itching, redness, and drainage are typical symptoms associated with conjunctivitis.
    • Corneal abrasions and corneal ulcerations are also common causes of eye pain. The cornea is the transparent surface of the eye. Abrasions occur from scratches to the surface of the cornea, such as from a foreign body in the eye or overuse of contact lenses. Ulcerations occur from infections or abrasions. Foreign bodies, usually located on the cornea or in the conjunctiva, are objects or materials that give you the sensation that something is in your eye. Foreign bodies produce eye pain similar to that of corneal abrasions.
    • Chemical burns and flash burns are significant causes of eye pain. Chemical burns come from eye exposure to acid or alkaline substances, such as household cleaners or bleach. Flash burns occur from intense light sources, such as arc welding or tanning booths, when improper eye protection is worn. Even an intense sunny day can cause a flash burn.


Cancer begins in your cells, which are the building blocks of your body. Normally, your body forms new cells as you need them, replacing old cells that die. Sometimes this process goes wrong. New cells grow even when you don't need them, and old cells don't die when they should. These extra cells can form a mass called a tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors aren't cancer while malignant ones are. Cells from malignant tumors can invade nearby tissues. They can also break away and spread to other parts of the body.
Most cancers are named for where they start. For example, lung cancer starts in the lung, and breast cancer starts in the breast. The spread of cance r from one part of the body to another is called metastasis. Symptoms and treatment depend on the cancer type and how advanced it is. Treatment plans may include surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy.
NIH: National Cancer Institute

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Drinking Alcohol and Your Cancer Risk

Question: Drinking Alcohol and Your Cancer Risk
I read that to prevent cancer, you should only drink a moderate amount of alcohol. How much alcohol is considered to be moderate? How many beers are considered to be too many?
Answer: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that a moderate amount of alcohol is considered to be 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men. Consuming more than this amount is considered to be excessive drinking and increases your risk for many diseases and conditions. With that being said, how many ounces is considered to be "one drink"?

The Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture consider one drink to be:
  • 12 fl oz regular beer
  • 5 fl oz wine
  • 1.5 fl oz 80-proof distilled spirits

Limiting yourself to a moderate amount of alcohol or less instead of indulging greatly reduces your risk of many types of cancer, as well as liver disease, heart disease, stroke, and more.

9 Natural Remedies for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis treatments

By Amanda Gardner
When it comes to natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis, there's not a ton of research. Conventional drugs have been shown to delay damage from the disease, but alternative therapies have not.

"Many of these supplements or vitamins may ease some of the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, but none have been shown to prevent damage," says Guy Fiocco, MD, assistant professor of internal medicine at Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, in Bryan.

That said, here are nine vitamins or remedies that may be helpful in addition to conventional treatment.

Inflammation: What You Need To Know

Fig 1: When inflammation occurs normally, chemicals from the body’s white blood cells are released to protect us from foreign substances. Sometimes, however, the white blood cells and their inflammatory chemicals cause damage to the body’s tissues.

Inflammation is a process by which the body’s white blood cells and chemicals protect us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.
In some diseases, however, the body’s defense system (immune system) inappropriately triggers an inflammatory response when there are no foreign substances to fight off. In these diseases, called autoimmune diseases, the body’s normally protective immune system causes damage to its own tissues. The body responds as if normal tissues are infected or somehow abnormal.

What diseases are associated with inflammation?

Some, but not all, types of arthritis are the result of misdirected inflammation. Arthritis is a general term that describes inflammation in joints. Some types of arthritis associated with inflammation include:
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Shoulder tendinitis or bursitis
  • Gouty arthritis
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica
Other painful conditions of the joints and musculoskeletal system that are not associated with inflammation include osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, muscular low back pain and muscular neck pain.


Inflammation (Latin, inflammare, to set on fire) is part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants.[1] Inflammation is a protective attempt by the organism to remove the injurious stimuli and to initiate the healing process. Inflammation is not a synonym for infection, even in cases where inflammation is caused by infection. Although infection is caused by a microorganism, inflammation is one of the responses of the organism to the pathogen. However, inflammation is a stereotyped response, and therefore it is considered as a mechanism of innate immunity, as compared to adaptive immunity, which is specific for each pathogen.[2]
Without inflammation, wounds and infections would never heal. Similarly, progressive destruction of the tissue would compromise the survival of the organism. However, chronic inflammation can also lead to a host of diseases, such as hay fever, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even cancer (e.g., gallbladder carcinoma). It is for that reason that inflammation is normally closely regulated by the body.
Inflammation can be classified as either acute or chronic. Acute inflammation is the initial response of the body to harmful stimuli and is achieved by the increased movement of plasma and leukocytes (especially granulocytes ) from the blood into the injured tissues. A cascade of biochemical events propagates and matures the inflammatory response, involving the local vascular system, the immune system, and various cells within the injured tissue. Prolonged inflammation, known as chronic inflammation, leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Osteoporosis ("porous bones", from Greek: ὀστέον/osteon meaning "bone" and πόρος/poros meaning "pore") is a disease of bones that leads to an increased risk of fracture.[1] In osteoporosis the bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, bone microarchitecture is deteriorating, and the amount and variety of proteins in bone is altered. Osteoporosis is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a bone mineral density that is 2.5 standard deviations or more below the mean peak bone mass (average of young, healthy adults) as measured by DXA; the term "established osteoporosis" includes the presence of a fragility fracture.[2] The disease may be classified as primary type 1, primary type 2, or secondary.[1] The form of osteoporosis most common in women after menopause is referred to as primary type 1 or postmenopausal osteoporosis. Primary type 2 osteoporosis or senile osteoporosis occurs after age 75 and is seen in both females and males at a ratio of 2:1. Finally, secondary osteoporosis may arise at any age and affects men and women equally. This form of osteoporosis results from chronic predisposing medical problems or disease, or prolonged use of medications such as glucocorticoids, when the disease is called steroid- or glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (SIOP or GIOP).
Osteoporosis risks can be reduced with lifestyle changes and sometimes medication; in people with osteoporosis, treatment may involve both. Lifestyle change includes diet and exercise, and preventing falls. Medication includes calcium, vitamin D, bisphosphonates and several others. Fall-prevention advice includes exercise to tone deambulatory muscles, proprioception-improvement exercises; equilibrium therapies may be included. Exercise with its anabolic effect, may at the same time stop or reverse osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a component of the frailty syndrome.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, most commonly caused by a viral infection. There are five main hepatitis viruses, referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. These five types are of greatest concern because of the burden of illness and death they cause and the potential for outbreaks and epidemic spread. In particular, types B and C lead to chronic disease in hundreds of millions of people and, together, are the most common cause of liver cirrhosis and cancer.
Hepatitis A and E are typically caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Hepatitis B, C and D usually occur as a result of parenteral contact with infected body fluids. Common modes of transmission for these viruses include receipt of contaminated blood or blood products, invasive medical procedures using contaminated equipment and for hepatitis B transmission from mother to baby at birth, from family member to child, and also by sexual contact.
Acute infection may occur with limited or no symptoms, or may include symptoms such as jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), dark urine, extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

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How HIV Causes AIDS

HIV destroys CD4 positive (CD4+) T cells, which are white blood cells crucial to maintaining the function of the human immune system. As HIV attacks these cells, the person infected with the virus is less equipped to fight off infection and disease, ultimately resulting in the development of AIDS.
Most people who are infected with HIV can carry the virus for years before developing any serious symptoms. But over time, HIV levels increase in the blood while the number of CD4+ T cells decline. Antiretroviral medicines can help reduce the amount of virus in the body, preserve CD4+ T cells and dramatically slow the destruction of the immune system.

Normal T-cells HIV-infected T-cells
Normal T-cells
Credit: NIAID.
HIV-infected T-cells
Credit: NIAID.
People who are not infected with HIV and generally are in good health have roughly 800 to 1,200 CD4+ T cells per cubic millimeter (mm3) of blood. Some people who have been diagnosed with AIDS have fewer than 50 CD4+ T cells in their
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Preventing high blood sugar in children with diabetes

High blood sugar, also called hyperglycemia, occurs when the sugar (glucose) level in the blood rises above normal. For a person who has diabetes, high blood sugar may be caused by missed oral diabetes medicine or insulin injection, eating too much, skipping physical activity, or illness or stress. The rapid growth during the teen years can also make it more difficult to keep your child’s blood sugar levels within a target range.
Unlike low blood sugar, high blood sugar usually develops slowly over a period of hours or days. But it can also develop quickly (in just a few hours) if you eat a large meal or miss an insulin dose. Blood sugar levels just above the safe range may make a person feel tired and thirsty. If your child’s blood sugar level stays higher than normal, his or her body will adjust to that level. Over time, high blood sugar damages the eyes, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and nerves. If your child’s blood sugar continues to rise, his or her kidneys will increase the amount of urine produced and your child can become dehydrated. If your child becomes severely dehydrated, he or she can go into a coma and possibly die.

Is Soy Safe to Eat After Breast Cancer?

For years, breast cancer survivors were often counseled to avoid soy foods and supplements because of estrogen-like effects that might theoretically cause breast tumors to grow.
Now, a new study of more than 18,312 women shows that eating soy foods did not increase risk of breast cancer recurrence.
The new findings are being presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 102nd Annual Meeting in Orlando, Fla.
“If you regularly eat soy, you don’t need to worry or avoid it, and women who want to lead a healthy life, can safely include some soy in their diets,” says study researcher Xiao Oh Shu, MD, PhD, a professor of medicine at Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center of Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn.
In addition to the isoflavones which may act like estrogens in the body, “soy has many anticancer properties, antioxidants, nutrients, micronutrients, or vitamins that may contribute to its beneficial effect on health,” Shu says.
Shu and colleagues analyzed data from four large studies of women with a history of breast cancer diagnosed between ages 20 and 83. Soy intake was assessed using questionnaires in all of these studies. The study only looked at soy foods, not supplements.

Strawberries May Help Prevent Esophageal Cancer

Eating freeze-dried strawberries may help prevent esophageal cancer, according to new but preliminary research.
”Eating strawberries may be a way for people at high risk for esophageal cancer to protect themselves from the disease,” says researcher Tong Chen, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus.
She presented the results of her small study at the American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Orlando, Fla. The study was funded by the California Strawberry Commission.
After an animal study showed strawberries might have some cancer-fighting benefits for esophageal cancer, Chen decided to study their effect in people.
She evaluated the use of freeze-dried strawberries in 36 men and women who had precancerous lesions of the esophagus.

Adult cigarette smokers should get the pneumococcal vaccine

All adult cigarette smokers should get the pneumococcal vaccine, the CDC’s vaccine advisory committee today recommended.
The panel previously recommended that as of 2009, adults with asthma should get the vaccine. Adults aged 65 or over, and those with chronic illness, are already advised to get the vaccine.
But more than half of serious invasive pneumococcal diseases occur in people who smoke cigarettes.
Smoking just one cigarette a day doubles pneumococcal pneumonia risk. There’s nearly a fourfold higher risk in those who smoke 15 to 24 cigarettes a day. More than 24 cigarettes a day increases risk 5.5-fold.

Broccoli May Block Defective Gene Linked to Tumor Growth

Broccoli may help fight cancer by blocking a defective gene associated with tumor growth, according to new research.
Previous studies have heralded the potential cancer-fighting ability of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and watercress. But researchers say until now they didn’t know the secret behind the vegetables’ anticancer attributes.
In a new study, researchers found compounds in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables called isothiocyanates (ITCs) appear to target and block mutant p53 genes associated with cancer growth.
Gene p53 is known as a tumor suppressor gene and appears to play a critical role in keeping cells healthy and protecting them from cancer. When this gene is damaged or mutated, it stops offering this protection. Researchers say these mutations are found in about half of all human cancers.

Reducing Urinary Incontinence? Drink Water Wisely

Controlling your intake of liquids can be tricky. You might think that cutting back on liquids across the board would reduce OAB. In fact, it can make urine more concentrated, which can irritate the bladder. On the other hand, it’s a good idea not to pressure the bladder by drinking too much liquid at once. Try these strategies:
  • Drink plain water when you’re thirsty, from four to eight 8-ounce glasses a day. You’ll know you’re drinking enough if your urine is light yellow or almost colorless.
  • Sip water throughout the day, instead of gulping down a lot at one time.
  • Unless you’re exercising, don’t carry a large water bottle. It may tempt you to drink too much at once.
  • If you’re waking up to urinate more than twice a night, drink most of your liquids during the waking hours.  Limit how much you drink two to three hours before bedtime.
  • If you take a diuretic, try taking it in the morning. That way you should be able to empty your bladder by bedtime.
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Food Dyes: Why People Want Them Despite Potential Health Risks

What, exactly, does familiarity breed? Apparently glow-in-the-dark food is one possibility.
That, in essence, is the message in a recent New York Times article by Gardiner Harris (“Colorless Food? We blanch.” 4/2/11) summarizing research and perspectives on the topic of artificial colorings and food dyes.
Mr. Harris points out that in the absence of FD&C Yellow No. 6, Cheetos would display the pallor, and apparently the appeal, of insect larvae. Studies have shown that foods lacking the expected color are rated lower on taste, even though taste is actually unchanged!
Pickles are bright green courtesy of food dyes; they would otherwise be grey. Jell-O, we’re told, would be tan.

The Best Nature’s Baby Foods

The moment a mother delivers a new person into the world, her next amazing feat begins: producing and delivering the perfect food for that baby.
Hormonal changes at delivery trigger the lactation process. Breast milk is the ideal combination of protein, fat, immunity boosting factors and key nutrients to help a baby’s body and brain grow strong. The act of nursing also seems to lower mothers’ risk of breast and ovarian cancer. For the most part, breastfeeding requires just mom, baby and a comfortable chair or bed. No dishes, no groceries, no bottles! However, this natural process is not without its rough spots. Nipple soreness, anxiety and exhaustion strike most nursing moms at some point. The most important advice to new moms: Don’t give up. Make sure to line up expert help from maternity nurses or a lactation consultant.

Relief Pain With Meditation

You don’t have to be a Buddhist monk to experience the health benefits of meditation. According to a new study, even a brief crash course in meditative techniques can sharply reduce a person’s sensitivity to pain.
In the study, researchers mildly burned 15 men and women in a lab on two separate occasions, before and after the volunteers attended four 20-minute meditation training sessions over the course of four days. During the second go-round, when the participants were instructed to meditate, they rated the exact same pain stimulus — a 120-degree heat on their calves — as being 57 percent less unpleasant and 40 percent less intense, on average.
“That’s pretty dramatic,” says Fadel Zeidan, Ph.D., the lead author of the study and a postdoctoral researcher at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, in Winston-Salem, N.C. The reduction in pain ratings was substantially greater than those seen in similar studies involving placebo pills, hypnosis, and even morphine and other painkilling drugs, he adds.
The findings, which appear in the April 6 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, aren’t entirely surprising. Past research has found that Buddhist-style meditation — also known as mindfulness meditation — can help people cope with pain, anxiety, and a number of other physical and mental health problems. But in most cases the training takes weeks, not days.
The fact that Zeidan and his colleagues achieved these results after just 80 minutes of training is “spectacular,” says Robert Bonakdar, M.D., the director of pain management at the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, in San Diego.
“Although the full benefits of meditation can be realized after long-term training, our study suggests that some of the effects can be realized just for your average Joe,” Zeidan says.

Incoming search:georgetown research;

What is Kawasaki disease and is it serious?

Kawasaki disease is a rare childhood illness that affects the blood vessels. The symptoms can be severe for several days and can look scary to parents. This disease tends to be severe for several days, but then most children return to normal activities.
Kawasaki disease can harm the coronary arteries, which carry blood to the heart. Most children who are treated recover from the disease without long-term problems. Your doctor will watch your child for heart problems for a few weeks to a few months after treatment.
The disease is most common in children ages 1 to 2 years and is less common in children older than age 8. It does not spread from child to child (is not contagious).

What causes Kawasaki disease?

Experts don’t know what causes the disease. It may be caused by infection from a virus or bacteria. The disease happens most often in the late winter and early spring.

Sprain vs. Strain

By: Tony Sutton, A.T., C.Auburn, Alabamatranslation; Arif Yulianto, SSt.FT
Sprain and strain is a form of injury to the musculoskeletal system. Although these are two words that can be exchanged in its use, sprain and strains are two different types of injury.
Is sprain?Sprain is a form of stretching or kerobekan injury on ligament (tissue that connects bone to bone) or the joint capsule, which provide joint stability. Severe damage to the ligament or joint capsule can cause instability in the joints. Symptoms may include pain, inflammation, and in some cases, the inability to move limbs. Sprain occurs when the joints are forced beyond the scope of normal joint motion, such as circular or rotating the ankle.


Mango Beta-carotene Antioxidant RichMangoes belong to the fruit "stone" fleshy with shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors (aroma, flavor, texture) wide.Form of mango is a fully rounded, like mango gedong, long and round, like mangoes and mango harumanis manalagi, mango kopeks round flat, medium oval mango doll.
Although the shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors of mango variety. In terms of nutrition they almost did not differ significantly. Fresh ripe mango contains about 82 percent water, vitamin C 41 mg, and energy / Kal 73 calories per 100 grams. In every 100 grams of young mango, mango is still raw-water contained approximately 84 per cent, vitamin C 65 mg, and energy 66 Cal. Energy in the young mango low because many contain more starch, which will turn into sugar in the ripening process.

Most of the energy derived from carbohydrates in the form of mango sugar, which makes it sweet. Sugar content was dominated by sugar sucrose group. Sugar content ranges from 7-12 percent in mango. However, the type of sweet mango can reach 16-18 percent.

Types and Benefits of Guava

Guava (Guava, Psidium guajava linn) originated from Central America. This plant can grow well in lowlands and highlands. Generally planted in the yard and in the fields. Guava tree is a plant that many branched shrub, height can reach 12 m. The amount of fruit varied from 2.5 cm in diameter up to more than 10 cm.
Several types of guava are widely known include:
1. Sweet guavaRound fruit shape tapering to the stem, the fruit skin is thin and light yellow in color if cooked. White flesh, many seeds. It was sweet and fragrant.

Honey Benefits

1. refreshing Skin (For Skin Acne Light)
Combine ½ cup of warm water with ¼ teaspoon salt. By using a cotton bud apply directly to the acne. Give pressure with cotton for a few minutes, to soften the part. Use cotton, dab honey on the acne. Leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse and pat gently to dry.

10 Sex Benefits

Having sex with your wife or your husband regularly fortunately there are many you know, baseball believe?Here are 10 sex Efficacy has been proven by various studies.
1. Sex reducing stress
Yes, sex really can relieve your stress. Research in Scotland, published the journal Biological Psychology prove it. This research studied 24 women and 22 men who are sexually active, and given the pressure of stress in certain situations. From the study revealed that the couple who had sex before the response body better cope with stress than those who did not have sex before periods of stress.

Yellow Pumpkin Nutrition

Can pumpkin-shaped flat, oval, or long, depending on varieties. Young fruit is green, while older, pale yellow. Yellow or orange flesh carotenoid content of the sign is very high. Carotenoids in pumpkin-shaped mostly beta carotene.

Islamic Healthy Living

Eating & drinking enough
"Son of man, wear beautiful clothes at every (enter) mosque, eat and drink, and be not excessive. Allah loves not those who exaggerated. (Al A'raf: 31) "
Hadith Ibn 'Umar: The Prophet., He said: The infidels were eating in seven intestines whereas a believer eats in one intestine. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3839)
In compliance with nutrition, no provision is safe for humans, that if less or excessive will be disease. In digesting food, it is also necessary oxygen and energy. If our brain is less oxygen, taken from the GI needs so, can participate nausea, etc. because the food in the stomach to accumulate.


Islam wants his people to have a strong body and pay attention to it. The purpose of sports is actually a concern for the body to train the muscles and make the body has the ability resilient. Hence the Prophet advocated sports such as swimming, archery, and horseback riding. He also said that a Muslim who loves Allah more powerful than a weak Muslim. But it's odd that the Islamic ummah today, most of them chose not to exercise his first goal but would prefer sports - sports that are games. exercising their lot until they forgot the purpose which Allah created man to worship. Allah He will say, "I did not create the Jinn and Humans but that they worship Me" (Surah Az Zariyat: 56).
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Uthaymeen rahimahullah said, "Exercise is allowed, as long as no neglect of duty. If through neglect of duty, then the sport is forbidden. "If someone has kebisaaan spent most of his time in sports, then surely he had wasted time, at least in this situation is makruh, but makruh abomination, makruh law can be identified with illegitimate, see the word Allah in surat Al-Isra 22-38. Prophet Muhammad also said: "one of the characteristics of Islamic goodness someone is to leave all things that are not useful." (H.R Tarmudzi)
And more dangerous if the sport's schedule disrupt prayer congregation, neglect and tend toward immoral. Sin or immoral act is accompanied with a calm attitude when to do it (without feeling guilty and not accompanied by istighfar) practically can damage one's relationship with Allah. In a hadith the Messenger of Allah never describe that a believer who commits sin is sin is like a black spot in his heart. If he beristighfar then his heart will shine again. If not, then the black stain that will cover his heart as Allah has said: "By no (so), actually what they always try to shut their hearts" (Surah 83:13).

Beware! Tight Clothes Causing ....

Islam has taught to his people about how to dress well, by wearing clothes that cover our aurat. This is not to trouble us, but rather for our good.
Allaah says, "O prophet, say to your wives, daughters and wives of the believers, 'Let them extended veils over their bodies,' such that so they are easier to be recognized. Therefore, they were not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Two kinds of the Fire who had never seen before. People who carry a similar whip cows with it, they beat people. And the women who are dressed but naked. They walk with a sway and waddle. Their heads are tilted like a camel's hump. These women will not enter Paradise and will not inhale the aroma. But in real aroma wafted from a distance so and so. "(Saheeh Muslim Mukhtasar no. 1388)

Healthy Islami: Select All Halal Burst Thayyib, not a few people looking for property but does not keep kosher and haraam. That kosher was sometimes not produced by properly. In a sense, producing food that is not good quality and nutritious.
Production Ethics ignored anymore. Then the food which contain chemicals that harm or selling expired food with attractive packaging sold. All for reap maximum profit, although endangering another person.
This time, as has been spoken by the Prophet Muhammad, "There will come a time when people no longer cared property obtained, whether it halal or haram." (Bukhari).
In Islam, there are ethics to produce and not just consuming. All this is set for humans to be healthy, both physically and spiritually. Religion Islam is not only regulate the procedures of ritual worship, but supportive aspects of worship are also regulated, like health. Prophet Muhammad advocated to maintain body condition, to be perfectly pilgrimage.
Prophet Muhammad never told Abbas to pray for health. "O Abbas, implore to Allah SWT for your health in this world and in the next." (Narrated by Tirmidhi).
Prophet Muhammad health advice that is one of them is to keep the belly of the things that cause disease.
Narrated, Prophet Muhammad once described: "There is no worse vessel, filled by men but their own belly. Suffice someone was eating a few slices of food that can be straightened her spine. If forced, he could fill a third of his stomach with food, one-third with beverages, and the remaining for breath. "(HR.Ahmad and Tirmidhi).
Hadith is a lesson that we should not carelessly consuming. There are rules and limits to balance the body. It happened for the stability and harmony between body and soul of man. So he became a strong person, not only physical strength but also his spiritual respite.
Even the Prophet Muhammad enough versed in the science of medicine and penjegahan disease.
As written in the Book of Tibb al-Nabawi by Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah which contains a set way of the Prophet Muhammad in the treatment and therapy both physical and liver disease.
In that book, disclosed that according to the Prophet Muhammad, the protection is better than cure (al-wiqayah khoirun minal 'Ilaj). Maintaining health is the greatest of drugs to deal with the disease.

healthy food prophet

Muhammad was never a lifetime because of abdominal pain to maintain good food everyday. Apparently he has some diet, which is considered its impact to the health of He. This diet is known as the Prophet Rasullullah diet. When implementing a diet like this, God willing, you will not suffer from stomach ache or food poisoning.
Here are some of the diet in question: 1. Do not eat together MILK MEAT 2. Do not eat together FISH MEAT 3. Do not eat together FISH MILK 4. Do not eat together MILK CHICKEN

Healthy By Rasulullah

1. ALWAYS WAKE UP before dawn Apostle always invites his people to wake up before dawn, praying and praying sunna fardhu, prayer dawn congregation. This gives in-depth lessons which include: - Abundant reward from Allah - Freshness of a good early morning air for the health / treatment of TB disease - Strengthen your mind and nourish feelings
2. KEEP ON HYGIENE The Apostle always always neat & clean, every Thursday or Friday he washed the fine hairs on the cheek, always cut the nails, use a comb and oily smell. "Bath on Friday is compulsory for every adults. Similarly, brushing teeth and wearing fragrant-Haruman "(Muslim) 3.TIDAK NEVER EAT MORE Apostle replied: "We are a people who do not eat before hunger and if we do not eat too much (not to glut) "(Muttafaq Alaih) In the human body there are 3 rooms for 3 things: One third to air, water and a third for another one-third to makanan.Bahkan there is one special tarbiyyah for Islamic Ummah with the existence Fasting Ramadan to balance health

Healthy Living Islam

Islam is a religion that regulates all aspects of human life, to set the prosperity of the earth in order to achieve happiness of the world and the hereafter. One supporter happiness is to have a healthy body, so with him we can worship God better. Religion Islam strongly in maintaining health (and unseen) and placing it in the enjoyment of both after Faith. As word of the Prophet Muhammad. : "Mohonllah to God pngampunan, health and confidence in the world and the hereafter. Allah does not give to someone after a conviction (Iman) that is better than health. "(Narrated by Ahmad, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah from Abu Bakr, valid isnaad from Ibn Abbas) As someone who wants good, of course, have to learn and get to know the principles of healthy living after that carry it out and here are some guidelines relating to health Religion:
FOOD 1. Eating food Overstated In Al-Qur'an Surat Al-A'raf: 31 Allah SWT. Says: which means ... "Eat and drink, and do not be exaggerated. Allah loves not those who exaggerated. "(Surah 7:31). And in a letter Taha verse 81, Allah SWT. said which means: "Eat of the good rizqi we've given you, and do not exceed the limits to her, which caused my wrath, then surely he shall perish." (Qur'an 20:81), In the health sciences, food and drink is a necessity in the fulfillment of nutrition as a life support, the amount and kinds should be appropriate to the needs of the body, may not lack and should not be excessive. What if the deficiency or excess will interfere with the body's health. In connection with this the Prophet SAW. has said: "It is not someone people meet one container worse than his stomach, is sufficient for anakmanusia some foods that can enforce the ribs, if you do have to eat a lot then a third for food, one third for his drink, and a third for his breath." (Narrated by Tirmidhi: 2302, Nasai from Inbu Majah)

Healthy Lifestyle Islami

Lots of good that can be drawn from the teachings of Islam, both by Muslims and non Muslims. Because Islam was revealed as a mercy of the Worlds. Man is essentially to achieve happiness of life / enlightenment of life must have a balance between physical, spirit and economy. If one just experienced inequality then life will be disrupted, stress, depression and strange not much going to commit suicide. On this occasion, I will take only 2 aspects, namely: the balance of spirit and physical. Economic problems will not be too much pressure on us if we mememiliki spirit and physical balance.
I encourage a healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to do the same as I describe, but with this you can get an idea of how to live a healthy life and then combine it with your routine.

How to eat healthy according to Islam

How to eat healthy according to Islam, is every mouthful that goes into our mouths must be absolutely lawful and Thoyib. Halal and kosher in dzatnya in how to get it. So how healthy eating according to the teachings Rosulullah?. Eat a healthy fit Rosulullah teachings are: 1. Human stomach is divided into three parts. One-third for food, water and one third to one-third for air. Try a balanced according to their respective levels. Because eating is not in accordance with these rules, easily cause stomach upset and result in disturbing the body's health. Since most diseases originate from the stomach.

Ruqyah Syar'iyyah

It is a treatment method in which contains everything that comes from the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet. Read by Peruqyah using holy verses of the Qur'an and the prayers of the Prophet who can provide good impact for those who are ill, suffering from Satan and Jin, entangled drugs, etc..

No doubt that the healing by the Qur'an and with what is taught by the Prophet Muhammad in the form of ruqyah is a useful healing as well as the perfect antidote for heart disease and physical. How could the disease be able to resist the words of Lord of earth and sky that if the word the word that he will go down Mount devastated the mountains. Therefore there is no single liver disease or physical illness but no cure.

Sehat Islami: Pilih Yang Halal Sekaligus Thayyib ini, tidak sedikit orang yang mencari harta tapi tidak mengindahkan halal dan haramnya. Yang halal pun terkadang tidak diproduk dengan baik. Dalam arti, memproduksi makanan yang tidak bermutu dan bergizi.
Etika produksi tidak dipedulikan lagi. Kemudian makanan dengan kandungan bahan-bahan kimiawi yang membahayakan atau menjual makanan kadaluarsa dengan kemasan yang menarik dijual. Semuanya demi meraup keuntungan sebesar-besarnya, walaupun membahayakan orang lain.
Inilah zaman, sebagaimana telah disabdakan oleh Rasulullah SAW, “Akan tiba suatu zaman di mana orang tidak peduli lagi terhadap harta yang diperoleh, apakah ia halal atau haram.” (HR Bukhari).
Dalam Islam, ada etika untuk memproduksi dan tidak sembarang memakan. Semua ini diatur agar manusia menjadi sehat, baik jasmani maupun rohani.

Gaya Hidup Sehat Islami

Banyak sekali kebaikan yang bisa kita ambil dari ajaran-ajaran Islam, baik oleh muslim maupun non muslim. Karena memang Islam diturunkan sebagai rahmat semesta alam. Manusia pada hakekatnya untuk mencapai kebahagiaan hidup/pencerahan hidup harus mempunyai keseimbangan antara fisik, ruh dan ekonomi. Jika salah satu saja mengalami ketimpangan maka hidup akan terganggu, stress, depresi dan tidak aneh banyak terjadi bunuh diri. Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan mengambil 2 aspek saja yaitu : keseimbangan ruh dan fisik. Masalah ekonomi tidaklah akan terlalu membebani kita jika kita mememiliki keseimbangan ruh dan fisik.
Saya menganjurkan gaya hidup sehat ini bukan berarti anda harus melakukan sama seperti yang saya jabarkan, tetapi dengan ini anda dapat mendapat gambaran cara hidup sehat lalu menggabungkannya dengan rutinitas anda.


Rahasia hidup sehat Rosululloh adalah terletak pada Pola hidup, Pola makan dan Sikap hidup.
Tidur yang dianjurkan Rosululloh :
  • Rosululoh tidur di awal malam, dan bangun pada 2/3 malam
  • Rosululloh tidur miring kekanan
  • Rosululloh tidur tidak dalam keadaan kenyang
  • Sebelum tidur sebaiknya berwudhu terlebih dahulu.
  • Dalam musnad dan sunan ibnu majah diriwayatkan dari abu umamah bahwa ia menceritakan nabi pernah lewat dihadapan seorang laki – laki yg sedang tidur menelungkup, maka beliau menyepaknya dg kaki beliau sambil bersabda bangun!, duduk, itu adalah cara tidur para penghuni jahanam.

Sehat Menurut Agama

Dua anugerah membuat banyak orang merugi, yaitu kesehatan dan kesempatan. (HR al-Bukhari). Gunakan dengan baik lima hal sebelum lima yang lain: masa mudamu sebelum engkau tua; sehatmu sebelum engkau sakit; kayamu sebelum engkau jatuh miskin; masa senggangmu sebelum engkau sibuk; hidupmu sebelum engkau mati. (HR al-Hakim)
Meski filosofi yang sering dilontarkan dalam agama adalah: “Untuk apa kesehatan?” tidak berarti agama sama sekali tidak berbicara mengenai “Bagaimana hidup sehat?”.
Ada beberapa riwayat Hadis yang mengandung ajaran-ajaran hidup sehat. Misalnya, sabda Rasulullah ?, “Lakukanlah bepergian, maka kalian sehat.” (HR Ahmad). “… dan berpuasalah kalian, maka kalian sehat.” (HR ath-Thabarani). “Orang yang tidur dalam keadaan tangannya berbau lemak, lalu ia terkena sesuatu, maka janganlah ia mencela kecuali dirinya sendiri.” (HR ad-Darimi).

Good Healthy Living Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

These 11 good healthy living tips are vital to a feel-good, happy, healthy lifestyle for you.

Healthy living means creating optimum physical, mental and spiritual health with a nutritious, positive, active, healthy lifestyle.

After all, if you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live? You can get a new house, a new car or new clothes, but the body and life you have right here and now is the only one you get to work with.

The most important criteria for living a happy healthy lifestyle are:

  • Healthy eating,
  • Getting exercise,
  • A positive attitude,
  • Rest and relaxation,
  • Healthy relationships,
  • And a healthy social life.

8 Tips For Healthy Living On The Go

Are you a busy entrepreneur or employee who is usually on the go and doesn’t have a lot of time, but still wants to make 2008 the year that you get more healthy?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most people want to get healthy, more fitter and look younger yet they can’t seem to find the time for it. In fact, I have seen advertisements on TV since the new year for at least 7 different fitness workouts by various celebrities and actresses, but I wonder how many people will actually stick to the plans when they purchase it.
Listen, if 2008 is going to be different for you, your body and your family, then it’s time to buckle up and find new habits that will serve you better. Don’t you agree? Healthy living doesn’t have to be hard, it was never created to be. But it does require a small amount of commitment and a big love for being refreshed.
Here are eight tips for healthy living on the go:

Tips For healthy Living.

Here are a few great tips to help you remain healthy, happy and full of energy!
Try to exercise at least one hour a day, at least five days a week. Exercising includes all of the following activities: walking, running, cycling, skipping, swimming, skating, dancing, aerobics, and any other sport activity.
Eat healthy foods instead of junk food (this does not mean that you can never eat junk food, just make sure you eat junk food in moderation). Healthy foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, leaner meats, lower fat dairy products, etc.
Drink plenty of water. Avoid drinking soft drinks and other drinks loaded with sugar.

Hidup sehat ?................tidak susah koq!!

Hidup sehat ?................tidak susah koq!!
Ada beberapa hal yang sering dilewatkan dalam menjalani hidup, sehingga akibat buruk dari kebiasaan ini akan datang mengganggu kesehatan kita. Hal ini bisa terjadi hanya karena kebiasaan hidup yang tidak teratur. Kebiasaan tersebut adalah antara lain melewatkan sarapan, kurang minum air putih, kurang gerak sampai dengan ngemil snack berkalori tinggi.

Menurut Pete Cohen, psikolog dan physical trainer, bahwa tidak ada manusia lahir dengan kebiasaan buruk. Kebiasaan ini dipelajari saat tumbuh dewasa. Cara yang paling jitu untuk membuang kebiasaan buruk adalah dengan menggantinya dengan kebiasaan yang lebih baik. Menurut beberapa penelitian, diperlukan pengulangan 20 - 30 kali untuk kemudian menjadi kebiasaan baru.

Apakah semudah itu ??, sepertinya mudah saja, tapi kalau dijalani mengapa sulit??, karena kita memang hidup dilingkungan yang sudah mengesahkan kebiasaan-kebiasaan buruk itu menjadi hal yang biasa.

Ada beberapa tips dibawah ini, mengenai cara menghargai hidup dengan menjalani hidup secara sehat dan teratur, yaitu:

1. Minum air putih secara cukup
Kenapa terjadi? tubuh manusia tidak akan memberi sinyal berupa rasa haus sampai tubuh benar-benar kekurangan air atau mengalami dehidrasi.
Mengapa air putih? karena dua per tiga tubuh kita terdiri dari air, maka air merupakan unsur terpenting bagi tubuh. Setiap hari kita kehilangan 1,5 liter air lewat kulit, paru-paru dan ginjal (berupa air kencing). Untuk itu kehilangan itu harus digantikan dengan jumlah yang cukup, sehingga tubuh akan terhindar dari kelelahan, sakit kepala, kulit kusam dan bad mood.

2. Sarapan pagi setiap hari
Kenapa terjadi? Alasan yang sering didengar adalah karena tidak cukup waktu untuk sarapan.
Mengapa sarapan? Kalau sarapan terlewatkan maka akan mempengaruhi produktivitas kerja. Untuk itu 'dengarkan' tubuh anda dengan melakukan sarapan sehat secara rutin setiap hari. Sarapan sehat adalah makanan ringan yang cukup gizi seperti segelas susu atau jus buah atau sarapan siap saji yang kaya gizi dan rendah lemak.

3. Makan siang yang bergizi
Kenapa terjadi? Karena biasanya kelebihan karbohidrat sering terjadi saat makan siang, atau kurang mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung protein sebagau sumber energi.
Mengapa harus bergizi? Biasanya ngemil makanan tinggi kalori akan jadi pilihan utama apabila rasa lapar menyerang, seperti cokelat, keripik atau biskuit, yang banyak mengandung lemak, gula dan garam.
Untuk itu memilih makan siang yang bergizi adalah cara yang bijaksana untuk mengatasi rasa lapar. Cara yang bijaksana menurut Dr. Wendy Doyle, ahli diet, dengan cara menambah lauknya, makan sepotong buah atau segelas yoghurt.

4. Siasati makan malam
Kenapa terjadi? Biasanya setelah lelah seharian kerja, maka akan malas kalau harus mempersiapkan makan malam.
Mengapa disiasati? Karena biasanya bila tidak mempersiapkan makan malam maka fast food atau take-away food, yang pasti mengandung tinggi lemak dan garam. Cara mengatasinya??, makan sesuatu sebelum pulang kantor dan mengisi kulkas dengan bahan makanan yang lebih tahan lama simpan untuk keadaan darurat. Kalau terpaksa membeli makanan, lebih baik hindari makanan yang digoreng dan pikirkan makanan tersebut mengandung gizi, yang paling tidak, cukup.

Sumber: Majalah Cosmopolitan, Maret 20

Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain (or stomach ache) can be one of the symptoms associated with transient disorders or serious disease. Making a definitive diagnosis of the cause of abdominal pain can be difficult, because many diseases can result in this symptom. Abdominal pain is a common problem. Most frequently the cause is benign and/or self-limited, but more serious causes may require urgent intervention.


A Headache is defined as a pain in the head or upper neck. It is one of the most common locations of pain in the body and has many causes.

How are headaches classified?

Headaches have numerous causes, and in 2007 the International Headache Society agreed upon an updated classification system for headache. Because so many people suffer from headaches and because treatment sometimes is difficult, it is hoped that the new classification system will allow health care practitioners come to a specific diagnosis as to the type of headache and to provide better and more effective treatment.
There are three major categories of headaches:
  1. primary headaches,
  2. secondary headaches, and
  3. cranial neuralgias, facial pain, and other headaches

Cara makan sehat menurut Islam

Cara makan sehat menurut Islam, adalah setiap suapan yang masuk ke mulut kita harus benar- benar halal dan thoyib. Halal dalam dzatnya dan halal dalam cara mendapatkannya.
Lalu bagaimana cara makan yang sehat sesuai ajaran Rosulullah?. Makan yang sehat sesuai ajaran Rosulullah adalah:
1. Perut manusia dibagi menjadi tiga bagian. Sepertiga untuk makanan, sepertiga untuk air dan sepertiga untuk udara. Usahakan seimbang menurut kadar masing-masing. Karena makan yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan tersebut, mudah menimbulkan gangguan perut dan berakibat mengganggu kesehatan tubuh. Karena kebanyakan penyakit bersumber dari perut.

Trik Sederhana Menikmati Manisnya Makanan

Apa tujuan dari program diet kita? Memiliki lingkar pinggang yang ramping atau membentuk perut rata? Jika ini yang terlintas di kepala, apakah dengan demikian si pemilik tubuh proporsional tak perlu mengatur pola konsumsi mereka?

Percaya atau tidak, pinggang ramping dan perut rata adalah bonus dari menjalani program diet atau pengaturan pola makan. Karena sebenarnya, ilmu gizi membuat teori tentang pola konsumsi sehat adalah untuk membuat kita tetap dalam kondisi prima. Dan kondisi prima akan membuat seluruh fisik dan emosi kita menjadi lebih stabil.

Stabil dalam arti fisik adalah memiliki bentuk tubuh yang proporsional. Sedangkan dalam terminologi emosi, stabil berarti mampu mengendalikan setiap situasi dengan menyelaraskan logika dan psikologi. Oleh karena itu, berhentilah berpikir bahwa diet hanya untuk yang orang yang memiliki berat badan berlebih.

Vitamin D levels found to be extremely low in women with breast cancer

(NaturalNews) Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the development of breast cancer, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of South Carolina and presented at the Third American Association for Cancer Research Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Miami.

Researchers measured vitamin D levels in 107 women who had received a breast cancer diagnosis within the past five years. Not only was vitamin D deficiency widespread among the participants, but lower levels of the vitamin were also significantly correlated with triple-negative breast cancer.

Triple-negative breast cancer is the most aggressive and hardest to treat form of the disease, as it is unresponsive to all the most effective drugs. The researchers found that it was eight times more common in women with vitamin D deficiency than in those with adequate levels of the vitamin.

Defining cancer

Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.
Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases. There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Most cancers are named for the organ or type of cell in which they start -- for example, cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer; cancer that begins in basal cells of the skin is called basal cell carcinoma.
Cancer types can be grouped into broader categories. The main categories of cancer include:
  • Carcinoma -- cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs.
  • Sarcoma -- cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue.
  • Leukemia -- cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood.
  • Lymphoma and myeloma -- cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system.
  • Central nervous system cancers -- cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord.

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